Tuesday 18 August 2009


Salmon, sauteed potatoes with rosemary and courgette and broad beans in garlicky butter. That's what we had for tea. Little man saw me dig up the potatoes and examined them in all their muddy glory. He saw me pick the courgette and he saw me pick and pod the broad beans. Now the theory goes that this means he will be more interested in eating the end product...

While I was cooking he made up a little concoction of his own consisting of the ends of the courgettes, a handful of broad bean skins and a few bits of garlic peel. He stirred these into a mug-full of cold water, then drank the water. He made a grab for the cornflakes, which always happens just before teatime, but luckily was distracted by the discovery that the rock that lives on the kitchen windowledge fits nicely into a ladle.

So we sit down and eat. He stuffs in a load of salmon. He has a second helping of salmon. He puts a piece of courgette in his mouth and immediately spits it out again. Then he tries to get out of his highchair having not touched any of the other food.

'Try some of the potato,' I say. He ignores me. I drag my chair round so I'm next to him instead of facing him and take a piece of his potato. I nibble it. 'Yum yum,' I say. 'These are the potatoes we dug up from the garden.' He takes a piece. He nibbles it. He stuffs it in and proceeds to eat most of the spuds I've given him. I then move on to the broad beans. I eat one. 'Try a bean,' I say, going to eat another one myself. He leans forward and eats the one I'm holding. I proceed to feed him broad beans until they are all gone, at great risk to my fingers now that he has a respectable number of teeth.

Was he waiting for me to check that his potatoes weren't poisoned? Does he like the novelty of being fed after a year of baby-led weaning? A year in which I still haven't worked out how to predict what he will or won't eat on any particular day. He's obviously fickle. Just like mummy.

Thanks to my dad for actually planting the potatoes, broad beans and courgettes, which I would probably have never got round to.

And thanks to Cave Mother for giving me an award! Unfortunately I can't work out how to add a picture anywhere other than at the top of the text, so I can't include the 'One Lovely Blog Award' icon here:


  1. Yes these baby led weaned boys do like to be fed don't they? I find they often prefer the food on someone else's plate whilst refusing to touch anything on their's either! Monster ate more of my fish pie than I did!

  2. I still can't get my head round as to why they devour one thing one day and then totally reject it the next time? Well done on the Blog Award, well deserved.
