Monday 8 June 2009

A quiz

Where would a 15-month-old boy hide mummy's house and car keys just before she is going to walk to the shop with him to buy something for dinner and some bedtime milk?

a) In the basket of toys on the floor

b) In the empty sweetie tin on the table

c) In the jug on the window ledge

Well? If you answered a you don't know 15-month-old boys very well; that would be far too easy. If you answered b, I think that could be plausible, but we are talking an 'adventurous' boy. If you answered c give yourself a gold star.

I popped upstairs to have a pee. A luxury to go alone, I know, but he's usually fine downstairs. I thought everything was safe. I was two minutes tops.

I came down to find him standing on the window ledge. What I didn't know until after half an hour's frantic searching was that he had taken my keys up there and deposited them in the pottery jug in the corner.

So I'm now congratulating myself on having such an agile, adventurous, determined, imaginative little boy!

I'm also in my pyjamas already because he puked on me just before bedtime. Nice. I think he had packed in one too many broad beans.

And why are my keys so amusing? The duck quacks and has a light in its beak. It quacked in my pocket in Somerfield when I crouched down to a bottom shelf.

1 comment:

  1. This is why we always try to keep our downstairs bathroom door shut - I'm terrified little man will "hide" mine down the toilet one day!! Surprised he's not done it yet!
