Monday 15 June 2009

Achievement level: 0%

An unusual day when I haven't had little man with me but also haven't had to work. And what have I done? Bugger all, really. Bit of a lie in, but I went to bed late anyway. Out for lunch with a friend who accompanied me on a creative venture first (ask no questions...). Home to fiddle about on the computer, pretend to start writing a short story I could submit to a magazine, stare in confusion at all the wires at the back of the DVD player and transfer them all to the video so I can watch Gladiator. The big thing on my to-do list is to round up all my pay chitties so I can claim some holiday pay. Have I done it? Have I hell. Is the house a mess? Of course it is.

So I haven't achieved a single thing, but I also haven't enjoyed a relaxing day off because I've been thinking about all the things I should have been doing. I blame hormones.

The thing is that although the rational side of my brain is worrying about all the things I should have been doing, the intuitive side (by far the larger side) knows that things that need doing will get done as if by magic at some point when it just happens without any hassle.

Off for a relaxing bath and read now....and maybe an early night. Maybe.

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