Monday 22 June 2009

Happy camping

The rules for camping with a one-year-old:

Don't go at the summer solstice and expect the child to sleep before 10pm or after 4am.

Don't try to put up a large tent on your own while the child runs off across the field.

Don't think that you can relax and sup wine in the evening while child sits quietly on your knee.

Don't expect the child to have a sense of self-preservation that stops them going near a lit gas burner.

Don't lie in bed freezing cold without summoning up the energy to get into your sleeping bag and under your duvet properly.

Don't expect to be able to go for a shower.

Do say sod it and go anyway.

Do accept offers of tent-erecting help from nice young gentlemen.

Do remember that you have your entire collection of slings in the car before you get the tent up.

Do take enough warm clothes for a cool evening and cold night, for you and child.

Do use far more baby wipes than normal for everything from cleaning the groundsheet to cleaning yourself.

Do have fun.

Do ignore all the rules.

It was very tiring and a lot of hassle to pack and unpack all the gear by myself. But hey, it was fun.


  1. Sounds like a hoot, glad you enjoyed it! :)

  2. Well done you, I don't think I could do it! :-)
