Monday 4 January 2010

Questions to which I may not wish to know the answer

Why are there onion slices and carrot sticks coming out of the legs of your dungarees?
What have you just put in your mouth?
How many pieces of cheese can one small boy stack into a tower before it falls off the edge of the table?
Why do my car windows freeze on the inside?
Just how many blackberries have you just eaten on top of salmon, noodles, yoghurt, blueberries, oatcakes and cheese?
Why do you keep putting that tiny stone in the front door lock so mummy has to fish it out with her car key?
How many times are you going to try to press the switches on the electrical sockets before you listen to me asking you not to?
What are you saying to that squirrel?
Is there a poo in your nappy?
Are you ready for your bath now?
Why didn't I check the gauge before I started knitting little man's boy doll and discover that it's ending up a little wide?
How many calories are there in a heaped teaspoon of Nutella?

1 comment:

  1. I heartily applaud, and add this: why, if you can count one, two, three, and distinguish colours, and tell me that Squirrel would like a kiss, can't you tell me that your nappy needs changing? ;)
