Sunday 10 January 2010

The dreaded and not-to-be-mentioned D word

Ok, ok, maybe just one resolution around the modern new year... but I don't like the word and all its connotations. I don't like the way it tries to make us all think we have to conform to some celebrity-fashion-tabloid-reality TV-plastic doll-someone somewhere is making a lot of money out of this... idea of what women should look like. However, I have been feeling somewhat unhealthy lately, in a backachy, less-than-glowing, pass me another slice of stilton kind of way. So I'm going on a diet. Did you notice the word or did I manage to sneak it in there while you were skim reading?

Not a bimbo-endorsed, join my club, buy my video, eat my breakfast cereal kind of diet. (Aaargh, I said it again.) Just a standard, healthy, cut the crap kind of diet. (Aargh!) A 'no thank you' to cake kind of diet (!). A being organised enough to not call into a handily placed, fat and salt-laden, morally problematic fast-food 'restaurant' kind of diet. [Anyone know a good lawyer?] A vegetable soup kind of diet, a smaller portion of pasta kind of diet, a not drinking in the week kind of diet.

Now where did I put my willpower? I seem to have misplaced it...


  1. Good luck. Just making such a decision normally gives me cravings!! Eat healthily is the only option & everything in moderation :o)

  2. Thank you! You're right, but I don't always do moderation very well. Still searching for the willpower...

  3. well, Me and P made it though one week without drinking during a work day... That said, we shared 3 bottles of wine over the weekend.
