Friday 29 January 2010

Miiillllkkkk, accompanied by frantic baby signing

That's how our days start at the moment. (I'm counting anything past 7am as the day starting, before then it's just a minor disruption to the night.) So he wants milk. Ok. As you may know, the whole breastfeeding thing didn't happen so we toddle off downstairs to the fridge. You would think by now he might have remembered that mummy will need a wee before we go downstairs, but no, the cries of miiiillllkkk get ever more frantic.

We get downstairs. I get a cup out, pour some milk into it and proffer it. Suddenly, he doesn't want it. Every morning (that I've had him with me, which means not when he's with daddy) for the past couple of weeks.

So I'm guessing this is real toddlerhood. Usually, if he makes a clear, reasonable request I try to give him what he has asked for. But now he is asking for things he apparently doesn't want, or doesn't want them because some tiny detail is wrong. Or he wants something he can't articulate. Or he wants something he really can't have. Or he doesn't know what he wants, which is probably more accurate as it's how I feel most of the time.


  1. Anonymous30/1/10 11:30

    Maybe it's the receptacle? Faith went through quite a phase of tipping her milk glass over until we finally started offering it in a lidded beaker again. Which turned out to be what she wanted.

    Later she started specifying 'Mulk in cup wif lid' or 'Mulk in gass' or 'Mulk in yion mug' (a small china mug with a lion illustration on it).

  2. It could well be the type of cup, he doesn't seem sure whether he wants a spouty lid or not. I'll be glad when he can tell me what he wants.
