Saturday 17 April 2010

Cheating and sand

Well here's a few of my ideas: Simon and Garfunkel, Han and Luke, Sam and Dean, Bert and Ernie, Dottywot and Spottywot, Daff and Dill, Knit and Purl, Makka and Pakka (ok I stole that one), Bits and Bobs, Nee and Nor, George and Dragon, Romulus and Remus (get me with the classical reference), Bilbo and Frodo, Apples and Pears, Keep Calm and Carry On, Damn and Bugger It (my favourite, but not really toddler friendly), Bucket and Spade, Dawn and Dusk, Butch and Sundance....

I'm going to cheat and take half of Pink Starfish's suggestion, which was Bob and Thomas, and go for Bob and Wendy just to keep the feminist vibe going here. (Apologies if you have a mind like mine and that sounds like a double entendre. Or if you don't have a mind like mine and are now wondering what the hell?...).

I'll probably get two more fish soon, as long as the first two turn out to be happy. Or appear to be happy, as it's hard to tell. They're very active anyway. So there will be more opportunities for Thomas-related double acts.

In other news, I had a few people round as a kind of mini housewarming this afternoon. There was cake. There was coffee, for which I would like to apologise. I don't drink coffee so this jar of instant may have been around for a while. There was tea, which was fresh. There was sunshine. There were five children under three in a small backyard containing a small sandpit. There was sand on the decking. There were tussles over toys. Even more spectacularly, there was co-operation and playing together! There was sand in the house. There was sand in the boy's turn-ups. There were acres of sand in the boy's shoes. Hell, there was even sand in my dinner. Really.

Due to the hyperness of the afternoon, little man had a bit of a late night. I brought him downstairs after bathtime and thought, hmm, what can I put on the telly so he can chill out a bit? I found the Dorothy talent show on the Beeb. Little man clapped them all. And sang along. And made a hand gesture that looked like he was asking where his mini microphone was. He was very disappointed when I took him upstairs, but he was also exhausted and asleep within moments, after his three books. Tonight we had: Maisie Goes to the Museum, Aliens Love Underpants and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. I love the way little man makes the OWP sound when the tiger eats all the sandwiches on the plate and how we have to pause on the page where they're walking to the cafe to point out the cat, the street light and the moon.

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