Wednesday 24 February 2010

Child development assessment

Little man was two yesterday. This probably means he's due a development check, although I haven't been allocated a health visitor since moving house. Anyway, here's my assessment of his abilities:
  • He is able to focus and concentrate on a task (he sometimes refuses to listen to me because he's busy).
  • He is highly inquisitive and likes to explore (he will try to go through any door to see what's on the other side, he will press any button or switch he can reach and can climb pretty much any structure).
  • He can follow simple instructions and understands what is being said to him - when he feels like listening (he carries my pyjamas back to the bedroom in the morning while I shower; he will always hear the word 'chocolate' no matter how busy he is).
  • He likes to test the stability of built structures (he knocks down more towers than he builds, but is quite capable of stacking cheese cubes).
  • He has a wide vocabulary (if you count animal noises, signing, pointing, whinging, crying, pulling on mummy's hand...)
  • He eats a wide variety of foods (he likes olives).
  • He shows a high degree of independence and self-determination (he rarely joins in with activities at play groups and woe betide anyone who tries to stop him doing what he wants).
  • He has advanced physical abilities (he can run away from mummy very fast).
  • He creates imaginative play scenarios (he gives teddies cups of tea and likes to play tents under mummy's duvet).

1 comment:

  1. He sounds wonderfully happy! Imaginary play is such fun once it starts isn't it?
