Monday 14 December 2009


  • A squirrel nonchalantly skipping along the grass verge between my house and the busway.
  • A grey wagtail wagging its tail on the pavement. It was bright yellow, but I am assured it was a grey wagtail and not a yellow wagtail.
  • The extreme grubbiness we have had to clean off all surfaces in my new house.
  • The sight of the house vendor, having returned to collect some junk from the back yard, digging a hole in the verge between the house and the busway to bury her compost materials.
  • The arrival of my period only 31 days after the last one. I mean, that's normal. It's usually at least 42 days.
  • Just how many cookbooks I own. Just when I thought I had unpacked them all, there was yet another box.
  • How well I slept on my first night in my new house.
  • How gullible people are who buy things because they saw an advert on the telly (I've just seen one for a men's fragrance [read perfume] called hot water. I mean, come on, I could sell hot water.)
  • How much nicer my bathroom looks without me having had to repaint the blue ceiling or take off any of the stark white, yellow and blue tiles thanks to some nicer flooring and shower curtains and a new loo seat.
  • How much I'm looking forward to a day of chilling at home (my new home) with little man when I collect him from daddy's tomorrow.
  • That STBE husband and I have come to an arrangement for Christmas that involves me cooking Christmas dinner for the first time ever for the three of us.

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