Thursday, 25 March 2010

Yet more mysteries

Why, having tried a mouthful of sand to see what it's like, would a small person decide to eat more?
Why would he want to shove sweetcorn up his nose?
Why is today the day he wanted more sausage, when I had just eaten it all?
Why will he try raw cauliflower but not cooked?
How did he manage to just delete this entire post so I had to start again?!
Why is there so much cat shit in the alleyway behind my house, along which I have to drag my wheelie bin?
How long will it take for the dead mouse, in the covered part of the alleyway behind two houses, to fully decompose, considering it has already been there for three months?
Why isn't tea free on the NHS?
Why did I eat the last two slices of cake in one sitting (Sticky tea loaf from Delia's Frugal Food, highly recommended)?
Why are there always clothes all over my bedroom floor?
Where did this shower of rain come from and why didn't anyone tell me my washing was getting wet?
Why am I always the one who ends up swimming lengths in zig zags trying to avoid bumping into anyone?
Why haven't the health visitors got back to me with an appointment time considering that someone fucked up and didn't tell them we exist anyway?
Why is it apparently easier to say miaow than it is to say cat?

1 comment:

  1. if there was a "like" button like on facebook I'd press it. This made me smile. I *heart* your blog.
