Thursday 23 December 2010

The latest thing

Little man's current obsessions:
  • Snip, snip, snipping away with a little pair of scissors. I think they're actually scissors from my own childhood. He started on last year's Christmas cards, which I saved thinking he would make pretty Christmas pictures with them. They've now been reduced to confetti and he's started cutting anything that moves. Or doesn't move.
  • Using my hair clips as if they were JCB-style grabby things. (If anyone knows what that part of a digger is called, do let me know.) Two broken so far. A wide range of items have been transported around the house.
  • Asking for a big truck for Christmas every time anyone inquires as to what he would like. He's not getting a big truck. He's getting a dolls' house. He will love it, but more about that some other time.
  • The film Cars, which he had been watching on daddy's mobile phone and I have now had to acquire. It is the first thing he requests when we get downstairs in the morning at the moment. It's probably my least favourite of all the children's animation films I've been forced to watch.
  • Hiding from monsters, dragons, dinosaurs and tigers.
  • Pleading to come to work with me. 'B a come a work with you. Pleeeease mummy, Pleeeease mummy.' Also saying many times a day: 'Daddy come now?' and: 'I want mine daddy back.'
  • Trying to dig the frozen ground at the allotment every time we go to check the chickens (and defrost their water).

1 comment:

  1. Little man is also in love with cars, we'll have to plonk them in front of it and have a cup of tea whilst they're mesmerised! Only problme is mine asks so many questions!
