Tuesday 1 June 2010


How can my son shun chocolate sponge pudding then ask for a Ryvita?
Why does he always eat the leaves of the onions at the allotment?
Why is there always sand in his shoes even when we've been nowhere near any sand?
Why did he tell me to shush when we went for a walk in the woods today?
Why is my quiet next-door neighbour moving house and not the one whose telly I can often hear loud and clear at midnight?
Where can I buy mini egg cups to fit my bantam eggs?
Why, nearly eighteen months after splitting up, am I still not sure whether my marriage is actually over or not?
Why do I have an insane desire to take my son camping when it gets light at around 4am?
Why isn't The Vampire Diaries on tonight?
What day is it anyway?
Are my goldfish happy?
What does 'aween' mean in my son's world?
Was he listening to my language today when I a) gouged my finger on the clothes airer and b) stubbed my toe?
Why do I want to listen to Paolo Nutini whilst doing housework and AC/DC whilst driving?
When will I get time to go and climb Tryfan?
What time will little man wake up tomorrow?

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